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Cultivation of strawberries
Challenge - Optimization of irrigation techniques
A California strawberry farmer with decades of experience was aware of the importance of optimizing his irrigation techniques to produce bountiful crops while conserving limited water supplies, and realized that his traditional methods were working but may not be enough to take his operation to the next level.
With climate change, the need for sustainable agriculture and increasingly strict regulations on water use, he realized he needed to explore advanced farming methods. So he set out to find a solution that would help him irrigate his farm more efficiently, ensure the right amount of soil moisture for the shallow root systems of the strawberry plants - even in times of drought - and ensure the long-term profitability of his farm.
Solution approach - automated field monitoring and alerting
After learning about the benefits of smart monitoring technologies, the farmer chose the cost-effective HOBOnet wireless sensor network. This highly reliable remote monitoring solution allows users to connect up to 50 wireless sensors to a main mobile station, which then transmits data to the HOBOlink cloud software. With the easy-to-install HOBOnet system, users get: 24/7 access to critical soil moisture, climate and water level data; real-time alerts when conditions exceed set thresholds so they can respond quickly to protect specialty crops; and the ability to generate reports demonstrating compliance with local water use regulations.
Learn more about HOBOnetSince installing the HOBOnet system - with wireless sensors in his strawberry fields and at his water pumping station - the farmer has access to the real-time data he needs to make informed decisions at all times. He is now able to accurately determine irrigation needs, respond quickly to issues such as runoff problems and leaks, monitor water levels and flow to ensure compliance, improve water planning and demand forecasting, and protect his crops from disease and frost damage.
Overall, HOBOnet provides farmers with the critical data they need to manage the complexities of modern farming, save money, optimize their resources by irrigating only where and when needed, and ensure sustainable and profitable farming practices for generations to come.