MSR datalogger used to monitor goods in transit
Companies that send products around the world that are worth the same as small cars are clearly interested in knowing that those products are in good hands during shipping. At least that's the opinion of Dr. Gabriel Spühler, founder and CTO of Onefive GmbH. The short-pulse lasers made by this Zurich firm are used among other applications, in biomedicine and in research and development work at universities.
Thanks to their plug and play characteristics they can be installed directly by customers, without professional assistance being required. With products on their way to their destinations in other European countries, America or Asia, freight conditions clearly play an important role.
For the purpose of optimising transportation conditions for their products, Onefive GmbH has over the past months been relying upon the MSR145 datalogger. The tiny data diary accompanies the lasers through the post to customers and, along the way, saves all information pertaining to temperature, ambient humidity and acceleration/motion detection for later checking. The subsequent evaluation of the data helps the company to develop any necessary measures for ensuring that their lasers are delivered to customers better, faster and safer.
What sort of secrets then, can such data evaluation bring to light? "Paradoxically, our last consignment was subjected to much greater accelerations in Switzerland than in the USA - there, the label, "Fragile! Handle with care!" is obviously taken far more seriously than here", comments Gabriel Spühler. The physicist is also highly impressed with the excellent handling, long battery life and compact size of the MSR145.