Temperature monitoring in the food industry: of crucial importance!
Whether in meat processing, the fish industry or the dairy industry, in butchers' stores, on farms or in supermarkets: in all areas where critical foods are processed and stored, it is important to maintain the cold chain and thus the marketability of the food.

Temperature in particular plays a decisive role in the storage of food, as perishable food should be kept for as long as possible and remain safe for human health. Goods with high values are also often stored; discarding food due to incorrect temperature conditions therefore has painful financial consequences.
Microorganisms multiply more slowly at low temperatures, which delays the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Companies that produce, store or transport perishable foods are obliged to maintain the cold chain and document the temperatures as part of their self-inspection; as also described in HACCP and the Food Hygiene Ordinance (LMHV).
How can I ensure temperature control in accordance with HACCP?
The HACCP regulations require temperature checks to be carried out at least once a day. This check must also be recorded. The minimum requirement for monitoring temperatures in a food business is the use of a min-max thermometer, which displays the respective minimum and maximum temperature between two readings. However, such a min-max thermometer also has disadvantages and risks:
- Time-consuming due to manual documentation
- Errors when reading and making notes
- No alarm when limit values are exceeded
- Damage is not proactively avoided

Automated temperature documentation - 24/7 365 days a year
With the SenseAnywhere monitoring system, you have the temperatures in production halls, cold rooms, refrigerated counters, refrigerators and freezers firmly under control. View the continuously recorded data at a glance - at work, at home or on the move. Set temperature limits and be warned on the PC, but also by e-mail or text message if these limits are exceeded - this is the only way to prevent damage before it occurs. The system can generate fully automatic reports for documentation and for submission to inspectors if required.
- Automatic temperature recording and logging
- You receive PDF logs with all daily values for storage
- Alarms are sent immediately in the event of temperature deviations
- Complete documentation in the event of an inspection
And the best thing about it: you have no work at all. You place the measuring systems at the points that need to be monitored and after a simple and short set-up phase, the monitoring system runs completely automatically and reliably and only reports when it needs your attention.